{this and that}
Welcome to the world of "Pimp Your Blog", Linda!
The lovely Linda over at {this and that} is an official member of the Pimp Your Blog community. Linda is a mother of two, grand mother of 3 natural grand children and 4 by marriage, retired and loving every minute of it. She´ll be celebrating the big 6-0 in 1 month, 1 week and 4 days - unbelievable, but true. have a look at her blog-avatar, folks! Just WOW!
Linda is a fresh breeze, just like her blog. I guess that´s why she has chosen a template of the Fresh Breeze Collection - the Country Carnival Sunshade³. This is the outcome:

Linda is a fresh breeze, just like her blog. I guess that´s why she has chosen a template of the Fresh Breeze Collection - the Country Carnival Sunshade³. This is the outcome:

We hope you like it. Linda does. Here´s what Linda said:
Applause, Applause, Applause!Thanks you so much, Linda. I´m blushing and beaming with pride - the pleasure was on my side =)
What do you think about my NEW LOOK? Let me give you my OPINION.
I’ve been lurking over at Pimp Your Blog for sometime. There are so many folks out there creating blog templates, and I think I’ve looked at them all. I kept going back to Pimp Your Blog. Finally, I took the dive and purchased this design which is the Country Carnival Sunshade. Red, purple and yellow ….just perfect!!!
I personally feel Sanni has the best looking templates out there. Yes, there are many, and I do mean many different styles that are nice, but I personally love this style. It just makes me feel good.
After I placed my order I received a very nice email from Sanni along with my new template. I read the instructions for installing my new template and followed the directions precisely. I’m not an experienced html person and I was getting so frustrated that Blogger kept saying my elements are not closed.
I emailed Sanni and asked for help. Listen folks, Sanni is soooo understanding. She apologized for Bloggers misfortunes and offered several ways she could help me, and she even developed my title for my blog to match the template. How cool is that?
Pop on over to Pimp Your Blog and let Sanni know how much you love my new look.

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1:46 AM
Labels: 3col, Fresh Breeze, Pimp Your Blog Community